For Freelancers

Please note: The inclusion of a resource in this list does not imply endorsement by the NewsGuild of New York. If you have any additions, suggestions, or edits to this list, please email us with the subject line "Journalist's Resource List Update - Freelancers." 

American Society of Journalists and Authors

“ASJA's mission is to be the voice and career resource for independent, entrepreneurial, professional nonfiction writers. Since 1948 ASJA has been giving freelance writers the confidence and connections to prosper.” offers "many great resources, mainly made by freelance writers who had to learn the hard way, to help other writers improve," which includes several freelance writing job boards.

Frontline Freelance Register

"Frontline Freelance Register (FFR) is run by freelancers, for freelancers. FFR is open to actively working, international freelance foreign and conflict journalists who take physical risks in their work, and sign up to the Code of Conduct. We aim to provide members with representation and a sense of community, vital in this fragmented profession." Includes Resources.

Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontières)

"Reporters Without Borders fights for press freedom all over the world. " Offers resources, training, loan of body armor, helmets, and distress beacons, a 24 hour emergency hotline, and insurance for "freelancers of any nationality, or staff journalists not covered by an employer insurance policy."
Twitter: @RSF_en

RISC: Reporters Instructed in Saving Colleagues

RISC is dedicated to promoting the safety of freelance journalists in combat zones... RISC trainings are provided free of cost to experienced, published freelance conflict journalists."

Rory Peck Trust

"The Rory Peck Trust is the only organization dedicated to the support, safety and welfare of freelance news gatherers around the world."
Twitter: @rorypecktrust

Zippia | Career Advice Expert | Guide to Succeeding as a Freelance Writer

Author Devon Feuer provides you "with the resources you need to become a successful freelance writer and improve your writing skills. From networking and educational materials to finding employment opportunities and help with finances, this guide has it all."