Front Page News


Today, the New Yorker Union is undertaking a twenty-four-hour work stoppage. Between 6 A.M. on Thursday, January 21st, and 6 A.M. on Friday, January 22nd, union members will not participate in the production or the promotion of material for the print magazine or the Web site.


Today, the editorial employees of The New Yorker Union are undertaking a 24-hour work stoppage to demand fair wages and an equitable salary structure and to protest Condé Nast and The New Yorker management’s ongoing failure to bargaining in good faith and their offensive and unacceptable response to the Guild’s initial wage proposal.


From The New York Times |  The New Yorker’s union employees did not go to work on Thursday. The more than 100 employees represented by The New Yorker Union, which includes fact checkers, web producers and some other editorial employees, decided on the daylong walkout after recent rounds of negotiations with management failed, said Natalie Meade, the union chair.


Today’s actions on Capitol Hill will be discussed and documented for years to come, reinforcing the need for rapid and accurate journalism. This pivotal moment in our nation’s history is a harrowing public culmination of years of racist, sexist and reckless rhetoric that divides our nation and weakens our democracy. It is in these moments of crisis we see with absolute clarity the need for a free and protected press.


Many of you are currently working to keep all of us informed as the events on Capitol Hill continue to unfold. Your safety is vital, and your fellow Guild members and staff are thinking of you. We're here if you need any support. Remember, you have a right to decline any ask that puts your safety at risk. 


It is with deep appreciation for her pioneering service to our union that The NewsGuild of New York honors our first woman president, Betsy Wade. By all accounts, she was a force to be reckoned with and she leaves us with an indelible legacy of fighting hard to hold employers accountable to all of the workers who make them successful and ensure journalists have a voice in their newsrooms. We remain committed to these goals each and every day.


Staffers at four renowned media brands — Entertainment Weekly, Martha Stewart Living, Shape Magazine and PeopleTV — announced today that they have formed a union with The NewsGuild of New York. Read their mission statements. 


From CJR | Media companies haven’t made newsrooms inclusive. Can unions?