Front Page News


This afternoon Gannett announced plans to cut employee benefits, push buyouts and require non-union employees to take unpaid leave. This announcement came only two months after the company laid off 400 employees and cut another 400 open positions. Gannett’s executives continued to make their motives clear, despite their mission “to build trusted local communities where people thrive.” 



Journalists employed by Gannett are highlighting the contrast between this lavish event and their employer’s greed when it comes to paying their employees equitable wages, forcing many to suffer from food insecurity. This demonstration comes amidst a string of direct actions taken by unionized Gannett employees all across the country protesting recent massive staff cuts across newsrooms.


Gannett employees, both union and non-union, along with elected representatives and activists will gather for a public rally on Zoom to talk about their national fight to bring back local news. The webinar will be open to the public. 


Our Local held our first ever, hugely successful Strike School! If you missed it, here’s a recap.



The NewsGuild-CWA is calling on members of Congress to improve the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act so that it protects local journalists and strengthens local reporting. The bill was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning and now heads to the Senate floor for a vote.



A new handout, "How We Fought & What We Won" details a list of recent NewsGuild NY strikes, strike-authorization votes, and contract wins across our local. 


NEW YORK – The Atlantic’s business and technology teams won formal recognition of their union today, after a card count confirmed supermajority support. The workers announced their intent to unionize back in July with the New York NewsGuild, joining their editorial colleagues at The Atlantic, who unionized nearly a year earlier in June of 2021. 


As Summer is winding down, I wanted to share a moment of appreciation for all that we have accomplished together. Our Local has been busy! Wherever you are — whether you’re gearing up for the start of the school year, catching the tail end of a vacation, or plotting the next big collective action with your Guild colleagues — I encourage you to take a few minutes to reflect on all of our incredible work. In just a brief few months, we have:



In a landslide decision of 807 for and 176 against, 82% of voters approved a referendum updating The NewsGuild of New York’s bylaws. The resounding vote demonstrated  the overwhelming support and urgency to continue growing a democratic, member-led, fighting union. 


NEW YORK — TIME Union workers have voted unanimously to ratify a new contract, a historic agreement that covers all TIME editorial employees without any divisions among the print and digital sides of TIME or TIME for Kids. The deal was finalized on July 21, 2022, and ratified Monday, August 15, 2022.