MEMBERS ONLY | Local Officers Nomination Meeting

Members of The NewsGuild of New York are invited to attend a nomination meeting for Local Officer positions via Zoom at 10AM ET

You must REGISTER to attend (Zoom link and dial in instructions will be sent to NYGuild registrants.)

The nomination meeting kicks off a six-day nomination period, so if you can't make the meeting, you can submit nominations via email until 11:59 PM (ET) on February 8 in accordance with the rules adopted by the Local Election Committee.

The positions open for nomination are First Vice President, and two Executive Committee Vice Chairs.

The Executive Committee, our union's governing body, consists of the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Local Chairperson, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, all Unit Chairpersons, and 6 Vice Chairs. All members of the Executive Committee are working Guild members, except for the President and the Treasurer, who serve on a full-time basis. 

What you need to know: 

Up for election: First Vice President and two EC Vice Chairs.
Term of office: Thru January 1, 2026 
Important dates: 

  • Feb. 3 | Nomination meeting 
  • By 11:59 p.m. Feb. 8  | Written nominations and seconds 
  • Feb. 10 | Candidate acceptance and announcement if there is an election
  • On or about March 12 | Ballots mailed (if there’s a contested election) 
  • On or about April 28 | Ballots due and ballot count begins

The complete rules for the Local election can be found here. Any questions should be emailed to the Local Election Committee, c/o

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