Building Our Power: Past Practices: What are They and When are They Binding with Robert M. Schwartz

Help the Guild build its power by learning about some of the most effective and fundamental tools available to us as union members! Veteran labor lawyer and author Robert M. Schwartz will lead three virtual seminars examining requests for information, just cause, and understanding past practice.

Join us for a workshop on "Past Practices: What are they and when are they binding?" with veteran labor lawyer and author Robert M. Schwartz.

This webinar will take place on Monday, June 28 at 7:30 pm EST.

Stewards need to know what a valid past practice is and what the past practices in their workplace are—to defend them from erosion by management. This webinar will cover how unions can build power on the job through past practice grievances.

You must register to attend the workshop. Please register here.

To learn more, check out Robert M. Schwartz's Work Rights Press book series:

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